Anant Kachare: Founder of Powerful Ultra Runners

Trained over 1000 peoples for Ultra Marathon since Last 8 years. Trained n- number of people for FM and HM.
Ultra Marathoner: Anant Kachare
Finisher multiple times at SRT 53K and now 100K.
Ran 24 Hrs Runs, multiple times Ran 12 Hrs Run.
Ran Multiple FM’s & HM’s.
Anant Kachare : Ran 21K x 30 Consecutive days thrice.
SRTL Ultra 100 Km Finisher and made more than 200 people to Finish it
Works on “Your fitness is My Goal”
Anant Kachare – Testimonial Mr Vishnu Ingle
Anant Kachare: Testimonial Mr. Vitthalrao Biradar